Wednesday, November 30, 2005


The God of the Goths.

A masive gold neck ring was found at Pietroassa in Rumania in 1837. It had an inscription in the older germanic (o nordic) runes. The ring was later cut in pieces and its runes damaged. But before this, a drawing was made. This is shown in vol. 2 of G. Stephens, ”The Old-northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England” (London, Copenhagen, 1867-8).

Above are the runes and their equivalent letters:

Un annello de collo ancian de auro massive era discoperita a Pietroassa in Romania 1837. Le annello habeva un inscription in le runes ancian germanic (o nordic). Le annello plus tarde era secate in fragmentos e le runes damnificate. Ma ante iste un designo era facite. Es montrate in vol. 2 of G. Stephens, ”The Old-northern runic monuments of Scandinavia and England” (London, Copenhagen, 1867-8).

In alto son le runes e lor litteras equivalente:

Interlingua and Nordic: GUTANIOUIHAILAG

The text is in ancient Nordic language, and it consists of three words:
Le texto es in le lingua Nordic ancian, e consiste de tres parolas:

Interlingua and Nordic: GUTAN IOUI HAILAG

This may be read as: ”The Goths are sanctified to (holy to) IOWI.”
Iste pote esser legite:”Le Goths son sanctificate (dedicate) a IOUI.”

Evidently this means that the God of the Gothic nations was IOWI.
Evidentemente iste significa que le Deo del nationes Gothic era IOUI.

The letter J was originally pronounced as is now I or Y in English.
JOVE is the name of the god Jupiter (JOVI Pater).
Die Jovi is the Latin name for Thursday.
The god IOWI thus had the same day as had the god Thor.
The name IOWI may be the equivalent of the Hebrew YHWH (יהוה)
יהוה is the God who gave the TORAH to the Hebrews.

Le littera J era pronunciate como es ahora I o Y in interlingua.
JOVE es le nomine del deo Jupiter (JOVI Pater).
Jovedi es le nomine in interlingua pro le Thursday in anglese.
Assi le deo IOUI habeva le mesme die que habeva le deo Thor.
Le nomine IOUI pote esser le equivalente del hebree IHWH (יהוה)
IHWH es le Deo qui dava le TORAH al hebreos.


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