Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Our concept of reality largely dictates our perspectives of health and healing.
We maybelieve that the essential reality is within the field of chemistry, mechanics, electromagnetic science etc. We may favour a "blind" evolution where all is originated in a "Big Bang", where elementary particles eventually slowed down to form the atomic and molecular structures that we observe today, with our microcosmos and the macrocosmos, and that life, conscience and intelligence are just a result of random combinations.

This would imply that life has no intention, ethical principles and values are a product of our imagination and there is no purpose for our existence.

A corresponding medical philosophy would be limited to the mechanical and physical functioning of the body (soma) and only as a byproduct, the conditions of intellect and emotions (psyche). And these are what is today represented in medicine and psychology, seperately and as combined in the psycho-somatic medicine.

The altternative is where intelligence, intent and purpose is regarded as the essential constituent of reality, and where matter and energy has by purpose been arranged as we see it today. Regarding the hyperintelligence inherent in all organisms, in our own glandular systems, our DNA, our metabolism, our immune defence, as well as the auto regulating systems of our planet`s biosphere, there are good reasons to accept such a view of the nature of reality before that of random effects.

And if we accept this essence of intelligence, we must interpret the inherent structural and functional activity in all living organisms as indicative of a higher purpose that concerns us as individuals, as communities and as a species. In fact, it is so natural for us to accept this model of reality that we all build our lives upon it.

This adds a new (or ancient) concept to health and healing: We have the dimention of Soul and/or spirit. And unless our science of health and healing includes this, we can never obtain mental sanity or bodily perfection. And, if we do include the dimention of soul/spirit and purpose and ethical values, then a major dimention in health and healing is to aid the client to a harmony with this purpose in her life.

This borders on religion, and religion is in fact mankind`s effort to get into harmony with this superior and eternal intelligence. Yet we observe that religious attitudes may be unhealthy, as when their product is in hate, terrorism and a haughty pride. Also many suffer from a fear for what will happen to them after death, or they feel afraid of God and condemned.

Tomorrow`s doctor must be able to step into this essence of reality, must be able to meet his client on the terms of the client, within the client`s religion or model of reality, and with wisdom and empathy be a cahalyst to bring fulfillment of purpose in the client`s life. He must be able to see that even suffering may have a purpose in the intent of her life.

This is what is now termed a Soul Doctor, and he may be a pastor, a rabbi or a psychotherapist with a new perspective.


Nostre conceptos del realitate in un grande mesura dicta nostre perspectivos de sanitate e therapia. Nos pote creder que le essentia del realitate es trovate inter le areas de chimia, mechanica, scientia de electromagnetismo etc.
Nos pote favor un evolution cec ubi toto es originate in un ”Grande Colpo” (”Big Bang”), ubi particulas elementarfinalemente se decelerava a formar le structuras atomic e molecular que nos hodie observa, inter nostre microcosmi e macrocosmi, e que vita, conscientia e intelligentia no son plus que le resultato de combinationes aleatori.

Le implication es que vita ne ha intention, ne principios ethic, e que valores son un producto de nostre imagination, e que il ha no intention a nostre existentia.

Un philosophia medical correspondente serea es limitate al function mechanic e physical del corpore (soma) e como un function solmente secundar, le conditiones del intellecto e emotiones (psyche). E istes son ce que hodie son representate in medicina e psychologia, separatemente o e in combination como medicina psycho-somatic.

Le alternative es quando intelligentia, intention e objecto son reguardate como le constituentes essentialdel realita, e ubi materia e energia son intentionalemente arrangiate como nos le observa hodie. Reguardante le hyperintelligentia inherente in omne organismos, in nostre systemas glandular, in nostre DNA, nostre metabolisma, nostre defensa immun, assi como le systemas auto regulative del biosphera de nostre planeta, il ha rationes ample pro acceptar un tal modello del natura del realita super le del effectos fortuite.

E si nos accepta iste essentia del intelligentia, nos debe interpretar le activitate functional e structural inherente in omne organismos como indicative de un intention plus elevate que nos concerne como individuas, como communitates e como un specie. De facto, il es pro nos si natural acceptar iste modello del realita que nos base nostre vitas a le.

Isto adde un nove (o ancian) concepto a sanitate e therapia: Nos ha le dimentiones de anima e/o spirito. E si nostre scientia de sanitate e therapia no include iste dimentiones, nos nunquam pote obtenir ne sanitate mental ne perfection physical. Ma si nos vermente include le dimention del anima/spirito e le intention e valores ethic, alora un dimention major in sanitate e therapia es adjutar le cliente a harmoniain in le intention de su vita.

Iste confina con religion , e religion es de facto le effortio human a attiger al harmonia con iste intelligentia superior e eternal. Nonobstante nos observa que nostre attitudes pote esser insalubre, como si lor producto es odio, terrorismo e arrogantia. E multe personas suffre de timor a que esserea lor fato post morte, o ha pavora Deo e condemnation.

Le doctor de deman pote esser habile a entrar a in iste essentia del realita, e debe esser capabile incontrar su cliente, inter le area de religion o modello de realitate del cliente, e con sagessa e emphatia esser un catalyst a attinger completion del intention in le vita del cliente. Le doctor debe haber le sagessa vider que mesmo sufferentia e dolor pote haber un valor in le vita del cliente.

Ecce ce que es ahora appellate Doctor del Anima o Doctor del Spirito. Un pastor, un rabbi o un psychotherapist con un nove perspectiva pote entrar iste vocation.


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